
The Teal Pumpkin Project™ helps all kids be included in Halloween Fun

A NW Columbus Mom Shares Her Story

By Jessica Bosak, NW Columbus Mom October 25, 2016
As a child, I loved Halloween; the crisp autumn air, jack-o-lanterns glowing, getting dressed in costume, running around the streets at night with my friends and of course the candy. The glorious candy! Seriously, what is not to love? 

Well, I’m not a child anymore; I’m a parent, a parent of a food allergic child. Those fond memories are replaced by a bit of fear. Not fear of the spooky houses in the neighborhood or kids in gruesome costume but fear my child will accidentally eat a piece of potentially deadly candy. My daughter is five years old and while her father and I accompany her trick-or-treating and run ahead of her a bit to give neighbors safe candy to put in her bag, we won’t always be with her. One day she will be old enough to not want Mom and Dad tagging along with her and her friends. Those are the days I am most fearful about. 

Through this relatively short journey of parenthood, I have learned a few very powerful lessons. One of which is, kids want to be included. My husband and I do everything we can do to ensure my daughter’s food allergies do not define her. The same can be said for parents of children with gastrointestinal diseases who cannot digest solid foods or children with gross motor disorders who cannot coordinate the seemingly simple act of chewing food or reaching into a candy basket to pick a piece of candy. Our neighbors and their children navigate a world of adversity; most of which is completely foreign to the larger population.  All these families ask is for their child to be included.

So, as beggar’s night approaches, I respectfully ask each of us to consider what we can do to allow each child to feel included.  Consider supporting the Food Allergy Research & Education (FARE)Teal Pumpkin Project™ by offering nonfood items along with or instead of candy. Wait patiently as a child with underdeveloped gross motor skills works to pick up a candy. Smile welcomingly as a child with sensory issues approaches your hauntingly decorated doorstep.  One never truly knows what another is coping with. My family and others like us, thank you with all of our hearts for helping be a part of our children’s fond memories. 
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