
Kids Artwork Share Circle Saturday, March 27 at 11 AM

Kids Artwork Share Circle Helps Launch Child Development & Kindergarten Readiness Program

By Work Baby Balance March 25, 2021

Work Baby Balance is a virtual community organization that serves working parents with young children, ages 0-6. In addition to our Work Life Balance program for working parents balancing work and pregnancy, we are now launching our newest community program that supports early childhood development and kindergarten readiness.

In order to support the social and emotional health of young children a year into the global pandemic, boost children’s confidence, and help them practice important life skills, Work Baby Balance will be offering a virtual artwork share circle for kids ages 4-6.  The artwork share circle will be led by early childhood expert and parent coach, Niña Caballero of Miss Niña Speaks Toddler Truths.  

The goal of the artwork share circle is for young children to build social connections with their peers after being socially isolated for a whole year because of the pandemic.  Through artwork we hope children will be able to practice communicating, practice listening, and appreciate how art is different and unique like people. In addition to the social benefits of sharing and communicating with one’s peers, there are also many cognitive and emotional benefits that come with creative activities like artwork. Through artwork we hope children will be able to express themselves during this particularly difficult time and find an outlet for whatever emotions they may be feeling inside.

This activity is free to the public, but requires registration to attend and get the Zoom link. The virtual artwork share circle will take place on Saturday, March 27 at 11 AM EST/ 8 AM EST. You can register at or email Amanda at